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Indah kalalo

Beautiful Kalalo (born in Jakarta, August 30, 1980, age 30 years) is a model and actress who joined in the Look Models. He has starred in several films and soap operas such as: Messages From Heaven, Hemisphere, I'm Not Me, Taubat, Malin Kundang and Miss Lina. He also briefly became a presenter Indonesian Models (Indosiar), Good Morning On The Week End and Indosat Super Show (Trans TV). He also penetrated the world of drag votes through her duet with new bandpendatang named Taka by singing the song Only You.


  1. Indah kalalo emang bener bener yahuuuud pisan... mantap n maknyuuuus

  2. wow..?!bener2 cskep ni indah kalalo

  3. wow.... gmn penampilan kyk gn
    gue mo donk yg sprt ini
    i like it


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