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Nikita willy

Although only a short time, this time Lebaran holiday is fun for Nikita Willy. Though fairly young age, Nikita Willy also had been issued because angpao own income. But despite earning, saving her stay because Nikita Willy had a desire to buy their own cars.
Lebaran moment so a lot of fun for her, but she gathered with their families can also enjoy being with kids Nikita Willy age. "It was great (as Lebaran), because the first Lebaran I was in the midst of the people I loved. Although not in the original village. Lebaran is not the first big family in the village but enough with his parents and grandmother are in Bandung, very makes me happy. To be able to hang with the kids my age there, although not to the village I could've enjoyed the food and singing songs Padang Bukit Tinggi complete this Lebaran deh, 'said Nikita Willy had met in the studio Persari, Jagakarsa

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