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Nia ramadhani

Celebrity photo sensation recently likely so trend new at comfort world. after faked naked photo commotion Sandra Dewi, now come new consternation. Nia Ramadhani picture that wear bikini and pose with four guys at swimming pool now spread fast.
She said, the picture taken at the year-end holiday moment with two guys that assumed like own brother. " father and mamma has known too, so the us no problem. that be private picture, btw i am not doing anything. that only person work kills time, " he said.

After playing at in film Suster Ngesot, artist Nia Ramadhani returns acting short exchange in wide screen film.
In film both this, former Bams Samsons lover returns to playing at in film is having genre horor with coronet Hantu Jembatan Ancol. What is interesting, at the film, Nia is not only cheerful horor. But also scene syur by looking on the body dint in bikini cloth wrapping.
This is maiden appearance of Nia scene syur. Hence it is not strange, said Nia, most all people closest its, including the parent, complain with the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Nia ramadani mantap betul... sayang sudah tidak eksis lagi


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